Friday, June 19, 2009

Last Birthday in my 30's!

This is it...the final birthday I'll ever have in my 30's. How did it get here so quickly?! Wasn't I 19 like five minutes ago? You can't expect me to believe twenty years have flown by while I was busy doing other things.

When I stop to think about some of the things I'd like to accomplish before I turn 40 and then realize I now only have ONE YEAR to do can be a little overwhelming. I've never visited the Grand Canyon. I haven't learned to speak fluent Spanish. I haven't lost those 40 pounds that have been dogging me for the last 3-4 years. And so on and so on. I'm sure you have things you'd still like to do but don't know when or IF you'll ever get to cross them off that proverbial list. I am SO there!

But, I can't complain really. Look at what I have to celebrate...a God who loves me unconditionally and gave me the best gift ever in Jesus. A husband who is truly committed to me and a LOT of fun to be with. A daughter who brings me so much joy and inspiration day in and day out. A family that supports me. A job that I enjoy. Friends that enrich me. So...BRING IT old age. I think I can handle it.

And, who knows...maybe I'll actually do some of those things on my list this year after all!

Have a great weekend! ~ Jill

1 comment:

Amy L Brooke said...

Happy Birthday!

I turned 40 this year. I spent the 40 days leading up to it focusing on things I was grateful for on my blog.

Maybe you could pray about 4 things it might be possible to do in the next year....