I don't know about you...but I really wish I would have become more disciplined in my eating habits when I was younger. Instead, I distinctly remember going swimming with my friend, Stacey, every afternoon in the summer. This would make us ravenously hungry so we'd go back to my house and promptly pool our money and order not a small, not a medium, but a LARGE pizza for just the two of us which we would then devour. And, yes, we would usually eat the entire thing between just the two of us. If one of my brothers were home we might give them a (emphasis on A) piece depending on how generous we were feeling. And, sometimes we'd toss a few pieces of crust to the beloved family dog, Benji. Yup, we had no idea just how much we were harming not only ourselves but an innocent animal as well with our dietary choices on those hot and humid days. So, our nutrition for the day would usually consist of some chips and sodas consumed at the pool, 1/2 a large pizza, and whatever our Moms were serving for dinner that night when they got home from work. Healthy, huh? And I wonder why it's so hard to practice self control now in my thirties...almost forties!!
Looking back on all of this I know without a doubt that I want to give Alyssa a hand in learning to make healthy choices and developing a taste for yummy nutritious food instead of yummy not-so-much-in-the-nutrition-department foods. And, I know the older she gets the harder that's going to be since I will have less and and less control in this area. So, what do you do to help the older kids and teens eat healthy even when they have to fend for themselves? Share your ideas! And, thanks for the help! :)
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