We had so much fun listening to all the cool and unusual stories of how people met their spouses. It made us think about the day we met. It was January 10, 2000 at a radio station in Charlotte, NC. Jill was co-hosting the Morning Show and part of her responsibilities included writing and reading News headlines. Well, she had left the room to rip a feed off of the station's AP wire. When she returned to the studio, the "new guy" was sitting in her seat! He had been asked by the station manager to come in early for a "welcome to the station" interview by the Morning Show team. Jill, however, was unaware of this fact and at the moment she only had about 30 seconds to try to say "Hello" in a nice way and also get into place for her hourly newscast. Suffice it to say that, instead of an instant love connection, Jeremy got the impression that the morning girl was a little too task-oriented! :) Thankfully he got over that first impression and eventually asked Jill to marry him!
The phones were ringing off the hook yesterday with friends telling the fun story behind how they met the love of their lives. If you didn't get a chance to call and still want to share...just post a comment with your story. Maybe we can read it on Doing Life with the Traceys during "Love Week"!
Have a great weekend and God bless you! ~ Jeremy and Jill Tracey <><
It was January of 2003 and I was interning at Walt Disney World in FL. After being down on the program for a few weeks, I met Dan. He was roommates with someone who went to my school and he happened to be friends with my roommate. She thought that I should meet Dan. Well, we DID NOT get along at all for a while. Then, we decided that there was a "spark" between us, and we started dating. In August of 2003 our internship ended. Dan was in school at Iowa State and I was in school in IL!! We did the long distance dating and in July of 2004 he proposed! In June of 2006 we were married and had our fairy tale wedding!!
So, when they say that dreams do come true in Disney, they are so true!
Thank you,
Darn, I saw this page up on Beth's computer and I was going to leave our story, but it looks like Beth beat me to it.
Beth...I Love You
Traceys...We both love listening to your show.
While at Western Illinois University. I was working as a director on the board of a student organization that escorted other students across campus for their safety. My wife's friend called us to escort her from one end of campus to the other. we found out we were from rival highschools and got to talking. we hit it off some months later. However, we like to say she met me through an escort service.
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