Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Something of Value

Ever had that sick feeling in your gut that you've lost something of great value to you? That happened recently in the Tracey house. Somehow a ticket to a Carolina Panthers game in Charlotte went missing. The ticket was for a game Jeremy had been planning to attend with some friends for a guys' weekend and we couldn't figure out how it disappeared. After that first moment of panic stricken awareness...oh no, it's not HERE...we dove into a search and rescue mission. We combed through piles of bills and other important papers that had been set aside as "go through later". We searched through drawers and cabinets that no one had opened in months because we were determined to leave no stone unturned in our quest to find the evasive ticket. Nothing. Bummer. Serious bummer! But, it was expensive reality. Thankfully we were able to take care of the problem but were more than a little frustrated that our search was so unsuccessful. What can you do, right? Well, except for keep better track of your stuff. However, one good thing that came out of this was a reminder for me of how valuable I am to God. I'm so valuable to Him that if I were to get lost, He would turn His house upside down, inside out, and every which way in order to find ME. And, He'd never give up and say, well, I'll just have to make a new Jill. Nope, He'd never stop searching - just like Jesus' story of the woman who lost her coin and wouldn't rest until she found it or the shepherd who left the 99 to find the one sheep that had strayed. Isn't that the coolest thing? I know we all KNOW this - we've read the passages - probably dozens of times. But, isn't it cool when God can use a frustrating situation as a little reminder...a little aha moment. So, THIS is what it feels like to search and search for something that means so much! OK, OK, the lost Panther's ticket is nothing in comparison to a human being's eternal soul...but it's a little taste anyway!

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